Sam Muller - 5 Elements Qigong


Sam Muller

The class will look at the five elemental phases of Daoism, their relationship to the organs and the cycle of the seasons. We will use simple exercises to work experientially with the elements through movement. As we are in Autumn our focus for the session will be on exploring the Metal and Water elements and nourishing the lungs and kidneys, attuning us to the energetic quality of the season and preparing us for the transition into Winter. 

Sam has been practising qigong and meditation for over 20 years. Having spent many years studying the Hua gong system of Zhixing Wang and the Taijiwuxigong system of the late Dr. Shen Hongxon, Sam now focuses his training on the Lotus Nei Gong system transmitted by Damo Mitchell. Sam is a long term student of Damo’s and is a qualified  instructor with the Lotus Nei Gong International School of Internal Arts. Coming from a background in Western anatomy, neuroscience and naturopathic nutrition, he brings a deep understanding of human structure and function to his study and teaching of the Daoist arts. Sam is committed to developing a comprehensive teaching syllabus that offers authentic Qigong training alongside energetic based diet and lifestyle practices with a focus on seasonal living.

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