Lea Miklody - Comfy Concert

Live Music Sessions

Comfy Concerts - an idea originally born from the frustration of performing music in loud environments.... I wanted to create a space where music can really be heard and therefore work its magic without distractions, where people don't have to wonder how to behave and react to it. Comfy Concerts is aiming to be exactly that, ambient relaxed environment, soft light, candles, mats, sheepskins and blankets, where you can curl up and be comfortable and relax for an hour or so, daydream, snooze, plan your next novel, whatever, anything! Add one woman and her cello, loop pedals and a bit of voice at times - and improvised music will be born on the night. Based in West Cork, Ireland.

Brought to you by Lea Miklody, a Hungarian born musician and market gardener. Lea Miklody is a Hungarian born musician and market gardener based in West Cork. With cello, voice, and loop station she creates experimental and ambient instrumental soundscapes that bring listeners to a quiet space of inner journey and connection. Layer upon layer of bowed, plucked, and strummed cello loops weave seamlessly, ebbing and flowing from near-symphonic force to delicate stillness, only to be further enhanced by Lea's evocative singing. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNLP7-8BJoQ  www.soundcloud.com/comfyconcerts

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