John McCann - Lomi Lomi Massage

Holistic Therapies

Aloha friends, my name is John, I am a spirited and passionate lomi lomi massage practitioner and energy worker. I have a deep belief in the ability of holistic and natural therapies to help heal us in mind, body and soul for well-being, balance and a more harmonious life. To that end I have dedicated my life’s purpose to learning and applying the many different methods and modalities that work best with my given talents.

Lomi lomi:

Lomi lomi is an incredible massage experience originating from Hawaiian culture. It is a very powerful and often spiritual massage treatment that uses deep flowing full body hand and forearm strokes to help release the body from muscular tension, the mind to relax and release stress, and the soul to rebalance and harmonise the energy systems of your being. Truly an experience like no other with a deep sense of connection to all, peace within and love for self.


1hr full body lomi lomi back massage, deep flowing full body strokes from head to toe covering all areas and hitting all the right spots to leave you feeling reinvigorated and alive! Not to be missed.

1hr full body lomi lomi front massage, a more gentle and nurturing massage experience to leave you feeling a sense of peace with deep connection and love of self. For those needing to feel there worth.

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