Chris Molloy - Meditation

Yoga & Meditation

Chris Molloy - Meditation & Integration of Yoga and the seasons

Morning meditation - Saturday 14th October - The Sanctuary

Meditation - Anxiety

Join Chris to embrace the morning in an open and reflective way. We will tune into the every day causes of anxiety in our lives, take the time to tune in to where this is held in the body. The in built fight or flight lets us know when we are anxious, however having this on all the time can make us sick. Learn how to change the narrative. You can use your power as a tool to grow strength in your understanding of the causes of anxiety in your life. The more you practice the more resilient and confident you will become about taking back control and ownership of your life, by harnessing the power of your mind.

Yoga - (11.15-12.15) Saturday 14th October - The Sanctuary

Chris Molloy is a mother, yogi, curious human who seeks to live a life of joy.

Her teaching is all about enjoying the practice but embracing alignment based Āsana. So she uses alot of words encouraging you to use your intellect in your practice to embrace your inner teacher. To tune in to how the pose feels in your body. This class will be fun, functional, but most of all, authentic. We will move, flow, dance, be together and find joy in the practice of yoga.

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